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 SoleraTec is a leading developer of archive, storage, asset, and video lifecycle management software for corporate customers
SoleraTec and Hie Electronics partnership will provide better video surveillance asset management
SoleraTec LLC, a provider of innovative video lifecycle management and storage software solutions, has partnered with Hie Electronics of McKinney, TX, to provide compatibility and interoperability between SoleraTec's Phoenix RSM™software and Hie Electronics' TeraStack® Solution Active Archive™ Blu-ray data storage TBYTe® product family. Comprehensive testing by both firms on the compatibility and ease of use confirms that the TeraStack Solution Active Archive products will provide organisations with significant long-term retention of their video surveillance feeds when managed by the Phoenix RSM software. This integration delivers overarching video surveillance asset management to an entire surveillance infrastructure.

"Delivering best-of-breed solutions within the video lifecycle management market allows SoleraTec to offer video surveillance solutions that meet the continually growing pool of video surveillance recordings," stated Mark Armstrong, CEO of SoleraTec LLC. "Providing the solid integration of Phoenix RSM with storage hardware products such as Hie's TBYTe builds a video surveillance asset management solution that is affordable, scalable, and dependable. We are proud to partner with Hie Electronics and their storage solutions."

The TeraStack Solution TBYTe 8 Series is a complete solution for video data storage by organizations that need affordable long-term retention of their video surveillance feeds. The TBYTe 8 Series product allows for 50 terabytes of data to be near-line accessible on Blu-ray optical media, with up to 42 terabytes (RAW) of data on online hard drives.

Benefits of Hie's TBYTe Blu-ray storage

In addition to the typical benefits of Blu-ray storage, the Hie Electronics' TBYTe product family provides unlimited offline video storage capacity using the TeraStack Solution Active Archive populated with Blu-ray BD-RE or BD-R media, as well as online, near-line, and offline data storage management with hierarchical storage management functionality, which fully clusters and scales to petabytes of video retention. 

Many organisations have little or no backend storage for the growing pool of digital video feeds coupled with cumbersome infrastructures that make it challenging to find video evidence in a timely manner. Providing the best management solution possible is paramount to the integration of TBYTe Blu-ray storage and Phoenix RSM. Now organisations have a cost effective solution for complete, affordable, video surveillance asset management with long-term and large-scale retention.

Supporting megapixel IP cameras, H.264 encoding, and a large number of recording cameras -all delivering high quality video- the Phoenix RSM management software along with the Hie TBYTe Blu-ray storage solution gives customers the forensic capabilities of long-term video retention with ultra-fast search and playback, which provides a high definition video platform operated within the flexibility of an IP network.

"Our TeraStack Solution, coupled with SoleraTec's Phoenix RSM, extends video storage from weeks to years and offers unparalleled accessibility and management," says Patrick Humm, Chairman and President of Hie Electronics. "The ability to capture and retain millions of frames of high resolution video in an energy efficient manner truly sets the TeraStack Solution apart."

Pricing and Availability

Hie Electronics' TeraStack Solution is available from integrators nationwide. Contact a Hie Electronics' sales representative for pricing and availability of a complete end-to-end video surveillance solution.

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