3rd Annual South East Asia Airport Expansion Summit 2014

  • Type: Conferences / seminars
  • 25 - 26 Aug, 2014
  • Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Hanoi, Vietnam
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Event Overview:

3rd Annual South East Asia Airport Expansion Summit 2014

Airports across South East Asia are rapidly expanding to accommodate the vast volumes of passengers to the region.  Fueled by an economy rapidly expanding and containing some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Vietnam is leading the way for air traffic via business and pleasure travelers.

 In order to accommodate this expansion of travelers, Vietnam is expanding their airports and constructing new, large international hubs, across the country.  As cargo traffic increases, Vietnam will also be expanding the Chu Lai International Airport to create a cargo transit center for South East Asia and Southern China.

The 3rd Annual South East Asia Airport Expansion Summit will host government officials, airport owners and operators, airlines, financiers and consultants to discuss the global trends and emerge with strategies and partnerships that will allow them to expand efficiently.

Visitor Demographics:

  • Visitor Origin:
  • Vietnam
  • Visitor demographic:
    • Airport Groups
    • Individual Airports
    • Government Officials
    • Promoters and Policy Makers
    • Project Management Companies,
    • Architects, Designers & Planners
    • Consultants
    • Engineering & Construction
    • Companies
    • Finance and Investor Companies

Event organiser:

  • Organiser:
  • Noppen Co. Ltd
  • Address:
  • C7-111, No. 570 West Huaihai Road, Shanghai, China
  • +86 (0) 216 085 1000

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