Security event organizers, training and services companies in California (11 found)

Badger Reps provides surveillance, intrusion detection, home automation, and door entry solutions. The company also offers training services for security professionals.

Covenant Security Services provides security officers to a wide range of commercial and government sectors. The company handles workplace violence, public relations, customer service, active shooter programmes, critical and emergency response, and command centre operations.

As a cyber protection company, Exabeam is built from the ground up to address security needs in a world of big data, identity-based threats, and painful expertise shortages.

FPA, known as the Secret Service of Hollywood by industry insiders, provides a full range of celebrity protective services, executive protection, investigative services, uniformed security, emergency management consulting and training to Individual, Corporate and Government clients. Our world-class capabilities support the most complex mission requirements of our customers.

Google Cloud Platform, offered by Google, is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search, Gmail, Google Drive, and YouTube.

Lead Star Security are a fully licenced and insured private security company founded and operated by leadership with over 35 years of executive law enforcement and security experience. Headquartered in California’s State Capitol of Sacramento, they proudly service clientele throughout Sacramento, the surrounding areas and select locations throughout the state of California.

LumenVox is a speech automation solutions company providing core speech technologies that include the LumenVox Speech Recognizer, Text-to-Speech Engine, Call Progress Analysis, and Speech Tuner, Natural language solutions support and Multifactor Biometric Authentication.

Inspiring the future for more than 40 years. O’Reilly shares the knowledge and teaches the skills people need to change their world. For more than 40 years, O’Reilly has imparted the world-shaping ideas of innovators through books, articles, conferences, and our online learning platform. When individuals, teams, and entire enterprises connect with the world's pioneering experts and content providers, anything is possible.

Ray Bernard Consulting Services offers security planning, management, oversee and deployment services to a wide range of organisations. They provide technological expertise in the fields of operations center monitoring applications, access control, intrusion detection, network/IP video, analog to network video upgrades, network planning and design, and network security testing.

Ruckus Networks, an ARRIS company, provides wired and wireless networking equipment and software. The company provides solutions for physical security, network and data security. Their product range consists of software like Cloudpath Enrollment System, Ruckus IoT Suite and ICX Switches. Ruckus also provides training to their customers and partners on technology basics as well as wired and wireless product and solutions.

USENIX is the Advanced Computing Systems Association. For over 40 years, it has been the community for engineers, system administrators, scientists, and technicians working on the cutting edge of the computing world. USENIX conferences are the essential meeting grounds for the presentation and discussion of technical advances in all aspects of computing systems.

Upcoming security events in United States of America (USA)