30 Sep 2013
AxxonSoft will offer guests the chance to see in action how its software integrates with solutions

AxxonSoft will take part in IPAS Expo 2013, the 12th international exhibition of security hardware and intelligence equipment. The event will be held in Tehran, the Iranian capital, from 28 September to 1 October. Leaders in security technology, from hardware vendors and software developers to systems integrators, distributors, and current and potential users, will be in attendance at the event.

Visitors and exhibitors will view new ambitious projects related to security technology, have the opportunity to form new partnerships, and discuss the features and practical aspects of implementation of the latest technologies at real-world sites.

AxxonSoft will demonstrate the innovative design of the Axxon Next 3.1 video management software (VMS) and unbounded potential of its flagship product, the Axxon Intellect Enterprise PSIM platform. Special attention will go to the Face-Intellect facial recognition module.

AxxonSoft will offer guests the chance to see in action how the company's software integrates with solutions that involve cameras from diverse vendors, allowing the rich features of AxxonSoft software to smoothly combine with the constantly growing capabilities of video surveillance hardware.

The IPAS Expo will offer an excellent venue for becoming familiar with innovative AxxonSoft technologies for all members of the business community in South Asia and the Middle East.