12 May 2011

AnalyticsReady has now joined forces with iOmniscient, the world leader in Video Analytics technology to provide a packaged system specially designed for People Counting in a crowd. The cameras are the eyes of a video based surveillance system. The video analytics is the brain. AnalyticsReady now offers you specially designed "eyes" packaged with the world's best "brains" to provide unique video analytic solutions at a very competitive price.

AnalyticsReady guarantees that its products will provide the necessary performance because each product has been specially designed for the application. This package includes a specially engineered camera from AnalyticsReady to provide a high accuracy counting system using iOmniscient's intelligent technology. This system is able to count high volumes of people with top down views at a much higher accuracy than manual counting.

The counting system can be applied to customer service, to direct staff members to areas where there is a lot of activity. Customers can also use the system to establish rents in shopping malls through assessing the traffic flow of certain areas. It can be used for marketing analysis to understand the shopping patterns over several hours, days or weeks.

The intelligent system is also multi directional so it can count people going in different directions, while ignoring other objects and vehicles. All of the data collected from the counting system is displayed as a comprehensive report including graphical presentation for easy analysis.